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Stop Amhara Genocide in Ethiopia Campaign Posters
The state sponsored genocide on the Amhara people of Ethiopia happening. The terrorist and extremists in the Oromia region of Ethiopia...
Nov 14, 20241 min read

Amhara Demonstration Call in Sweden, Stockholm : Stop The Amhara Genocide Now !
The Amhara people in Ethiopia is under state sponsored genocide. The Amhara Associations worldwide called to end the Amhara genocide. As...
Nov 13, 20241 min read

Amhara resistance : Protest against Abiy Ahmed regime held across the globe
Amhara associations worldwide gathered for a united demonstration to expose and oppose the ongoing state sponsored Amhara genocide in...
Nov 11, 20242 min read

Achefer drone strike : Abiy Ahmed drones killed Civilians in Amhara, Ethiopia
Civilians in the Amhara region of Ethiopia once again killed by the drone strike of the Nobel peace prize winner of 2019, Abiy Ahmed Ali....
Nov 6, 20242 min read
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